More AFRL Data Collection
This post covers work from 04/09 to 04/19. I worked with Nathaniel to try to close the loop by implementing a basic optimization script that can send commands back to the EPICS server. Additionally, we submitted the synthetic data paper to ar$\chi$iv and Journal of Plasma Physics as well.
Updated Oprimization Script
- Placement of constants in
so that the script doesn’t need to be directly edited - Incorporated Waveplate information by fitting linear regression to $\cos(\theta - \theta_0)^2$ to establish proper mapping of diode to waveplate data
- Added flags for
so that we can control whether the opimization runs automatically or manually.
I spent some time on 04-12 and the weekend making a GUI to make the analysis of the data a little bit easier.
This Interface allows me to do the following things:
- View histograms for the distribution of variables
- View scatter plots comparing variables to each other
- Show the plot of Diode Voltage against Angle with indicated calibration vline
- Show variable vs shot number
- Train a regression model and show the optimization result
This Interface allows me to do the following things:
- View the electron/proton spectra throughout the day
- Pick a particular data point and see the spectra along with gaussian fit
- Pick a particular data point and view histograms with specified number of bins where the x-axis is not Energy in MeV instead of pixel number
To Do
- Update Spectrum GUI to take an arbitrary number of bins
- Update Spectrum GUI to load the data faster
- Add a script to consolidate the data into a pandas df, add a column with a DAQ ID Code, and save to hdf5 file.
- Should also save timestamps so that we can further filter data
- Add Gaussian Fit Metrics to Dataframes
- Fix PP calibration
- Save Misc Info to Txt File: Linear Regression for MP + PP, Ridge HPs,
Written on April 10, 2024